Episode Sequence (titles followed by a number indicate known sequence. Others inferred from copyright dates) |
The Great American Appleburys | Christmas Bills | Peddling the Dog | Fixing the Faucet | Compassion-ate Marriage (4) | The Fog (5) |
written by Harry Colwell |
Herman's Whoopee (6) | Herman's Harmonic Horrors | Going to the Opera | The Straight Tip (9) | Business First (10) |
Spring Song (11) | April Fool (12) | The Spring Overhaul (13) | Rustle of the Spring (14) | Herman's Hiccups (15) | |
The Shadow of Divorce (16) | Bless the Little Children (17) | A Quiet Evening at Home (20) | Herman’s Move | Herman Wins - Almost | |
All the World loLes a Mother-in-Law | Just Before the Wedding Mother (23) | The Muddled Marriage (24) | The Third of July is More Deadly than the Fourth (25) | Hung by a Hair Pin (26) | |
Our Great American Vacation Daze(27) | Midsummer Madness (28) | Tenting Tonight (29) |